Emma B (October 14th & 15th, 2023)

Seamus Hendrickson ('26), Paige Kurtenbach ('27), Nigel Yu ('27), and Carter Harms ('27) traveled to Holland, MI, to compete in the Emma B regatta hosted by Hope College. The regatta started with two postponements due to high wind speeds, and racing was eventually called off for day 1. The wind was up and down throughout the day, often at about 25 knots. On the second day, wind speeds were more favorable at about 15 knots in the morning. Seamus and Paige went out for the first A set and returned with 3rd and 1st place finishes. Nigel and Carter scored 2 2nd place finishes before the next A rotation. Six races were completed for each fleet, with the wind speed staying pretty consistent, although a bit shifty due to the land effect in the bay. The team finished in first place overall, with Seamus and Paige also getting first place in the A fleet and Nigel and Carter getting 2nd place in the B fleet. The regatta allowed the team to practice racing in shifty wind. The team would like to thank the Hope College sailing team for hosting a great regatta and the race officials for allowing us to get plenty of racing on the second day of the regatta.